East End Events
Our communities were shocked and saddened Friday morning when the tragic news came that Seth Splitter had been killed in a job-related accident. Seth grew up in Sheridan Lake and graduated from Plainview School. He was living in Wisconsin with his wife at the time of his death. Our heartfelt condolences go out to David and Dennill Splitter and the rest of Seth's family. The funeral will be Friday at 10:00 am at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church with dinner following at the KA Hall.
Dawna Peck, Jeanie White, Jeanie Smith and son Colton and Susan Greenfield went to Pueblo Friday to celebrate Jeanie Smith's birthday. They did lots of shopping and then attended the "Chili Festival." Happy Birthday Jeanie!!
Monte and Linda Stum spent this past weekend in Rocky Ford with their daughter Kami Janes and family.
Sunday, Lane and Tammy Stum hosted lunch for Linly and Sherell Stum; Sean and Misty Harkness and children; Chris and Jen Stum and children; Max Schneider and Jack and Mary Light to help Mary celebrate her 81st birthday. Happy Birthday Mary!
Sherell Stum called Wilma Evans Sunday evening to wish her a very Happy 92nd Birthday. Wilma said to tell everyone hello for them. Happy 92nd Birthday Wilma!!
Our daughter-in-law, Laurie, and our granddaughter, Mikyla Scott, flew in to Denver from New Jersey, Friday evening to spend the weekend with our grandson, Parker, who is going to college at CSU. We didn't make it up to see everyone, but they had a fun time!
Garold Dienes's father Harold celebrated his 89th birthday this past weekend. Family members present included his sister, Marlene of Sharon Springs, Kansas; sister Shirley from Arkansas; sister Janice of Colorado Springs; son Kirk and wife of Colorado Springs; daughter Loretta of Oberlin, Kansas, and his son Garold and wife Zelpha of Sheridan Lake. Happy 89th Harold!
Garold and Zelpha's granddaughter Chezne goes to school at Alta Vista and plays Junior High Volleyball. They will be coming to Plainview to play ball October 2 at 2:30.
Have a good week and keep our community members who are ill in your prayers.