PROMO 660 x 440 Sign Brandon Sheridan Lake Towner East End Events Sharon Scott

East End Events

Sharon Scott

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and are looking forward to the new year. Now it's time to get back to school and a busy basketball season coming up. If you don't have a basketball schedule, just call the school and they can e-mail one to you.

Our communities would like to send their condolences to the family of Sally (Moulder) Bradstreet. Sally passed away week before last and her funeral was last Saturday in Scott City. Sally attended school in Sheridan Lake when growing up. Susan Greenfield and I attended her services Saturday.

Condolences to the family of Monty and Diane Thomas who lost their youngest son last week. Monty was a Plainview graduate and the son of Billye and John Budde. Monty and Diane’s address is 55 Canfield - Fort Morgan, CO 80701.

Also, our condolences to Dawna Peck and family on the loss of her mom this past week. Dawna is bookkeeper at Plainview School. 

Condolences to the family of LeRoy Patte who passed away last week. LeRoy worked for Harold and Bernice Tuttle for several years. 

My sister, Jerene, and I went to Dodge City New Year’s Day to meet up with my son, Mark, and bring Kyle back home with us. Of course, we had to spend a little time in the casino while in Dodge. No big wins but very little loss this time so it was a fun day.

Larry and Judy Tuttle; Ron and Ruth Buller; Denis, Theresa, Jerry and Quinton Weber; Burl and Cathy Scherler; Ernie and Connie Lambright; Freda Schmidt and I enjoyed an evening of playing marbles at the Towner Senior Center New Year’s Eve. We hope to start doing this on a regular basis once a month in 2019. Plan to join us for a fun evening.

Susan Greenfield went to Cheyenne Wells Sunday to visit and have lunch with Cora Coffman.

Ron Healy had surgery on his foot a couple weeks ago. We hope you continue to heal and get back on your feet soon Ron. (So does Lori)

Dick, Kyle and I have been taking advantage of the nice warm weather to get our outside Christmas decorations down. We only have the lights on the little houses to take down and we'll be done for another year.

Burl and Cathy Scherler and Ernie and Connie Lambright went to Cheyenne Wells on Sunday for lunch.

Monte and Linda Stum hosted their Christmas celebration with their children and grandchildren this past Saturday. Sunday, all of them plus other family members helped Rozzalynn Stum celebrate her 4th birthday at the KA hall in Sheridan Lake. Happy 4th birthday Rozz!

Kelvin, Amy and Alex Schmidt went to Lincoln, Nebraska, over last weekend to visit with their daughter, Mikayla, and her husband, Joe.

Larry and Judy Tuttle went to the Eads/Kit Carson basketball game Friday evening. Others from our area attending were Kelvin and Amy Schmidt; Jennifer Wilson; Ruth Fees; Susan Greenfield and Kyle Scott. Alex Schmidt, a Plainview student plays ball with the Eads team.

Merle and Carol Shalberg hosted dinner New Year’s Day. Guests were their granddaughter, Brandy, and her daughters; Steve, Linda and Dawsen Shalberg and Greg and Penni Shalberg and boys.

Most of you may have heard, but Trevor Carney will be delivering the Towner mail route starting this Monday. We wish him well on his new job.

Have a great week!