Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary Assists with Holiday Plans
Ladies met for their November 2020 Hospital Auxiliary meeting to continue plans for future months. The birthday project was discussed, and members volunteered to buy gifts for gift sack or sacks each month for the residents.
Loretta Seibel took gifts to Tanya Lane in October as did Linda Trosper for September. LaVerle Kelley gave money to Tanya to assemble her sack for November. Doris Lessenden will pack gifts for two men in December and Madonna Pollreis volunteered for January. Alice Glover will get gifts for February and Diana Flory will buy for March. Other members will help during the remaining months.
Linda Trosper will help Betsy Barnett by mailing out letters to potential Bazaar vendors for the December “Merry on Maine” Street Festival, which is outdoors, but we hope to have indoor shopping available.
Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, Linda is unable to go into the resident’s dining room. She reported that she had Tanya hang up a lovely pumpkin wall hanging quilted by Michelle Nelson this month. The shelf holds pilgrim people, a cornucopia, and a turkey wreath. Linda asked that each member bring a small Christmas-type figurine that could possibly be used for decoration on the quilt shelf.
Tanya Lane, Activity Director, told about some types of games or activities that they have done. She tries to work with the families so they can visit or talk on the phone to their loved ones. They have fourteen residents.
After discussion, the ladies decided to pay Tanya $15.00 per resident to buy gifts to put in the red Santa Socks to be given near Christmas day. She is organizing decoration of the resident’s doors and some department or office doors. Since the Auxiliary usually judge and give prize money for the winning doors, one plan is that Tanya will take photos and an Auxiliary committee will judge them on Auxiliary meeting day, December 8.
Members and potential members are reminded of the 11:00 am noon lunch meeting in JJ’s Restaurant.