PROMO 660 x 440 People - Doris Lessenden

Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary News

By Doris Lessenden

Members of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary meet on the second Tuesday of the month in the back dinning room of J J’s Ranch House Restaurant.  People are welcome to attend the lunch at 11:00 a.m.  If one wants to join in the service of the Auxiliary they may pay $5.00 in dues or $10.00  dues for an inactive membership.  At these meetings, we discuss and plan projects that will make life at the ECU (nursing home) and Hospital more pleasant and hospitable.  Through out over 39 years, we have bought such things as the Mobile Snack Cart, bedspreads, wall paper, live flowers, plant pots, carriage wagon, outdoor grill, curtains, venetian blinds, Dining Chairs, bucket chairs, and many other items.

The Auxiliary assists with some parties, hosts a January Bingo party, and works closely with the Activities Director.  Our only fundraiser is the November Holiday Bazaar.   Linda Trosper has been a faithful and diligent director of the Bazaar since it’s beginning in the l970’s.   Current officers are: Madonna Pollreis, LaVerle Kelly, Loretta Siebel, and Doris Lessenden.

This month in July we are donating to buy nice Memorial Books that are encased in a burgundy velvet bag.  These are given to the resident’s family when he or she passes with a collection of photographs of their loved one.  The Auxiliary also accepts memorial donations.  When the donations exceed $100.00, a gold plate is engraved with the resident’s name for the Memorial plaque in the entry way.

Potential members are invited to attend the next luncheon-meeting on August 9th at JJ J’s Restaurant