East End Events End Events - May 7, 2019
We received a very nice rain last week and it really made the weeds take off. Spent most of the weekend mowing - why was it I was so anxious for summer? We're never satisfied, are we? Not complaining too loudly because our neighbors to the south of Towner received lots of rain and hail Saturday evening. It pretty much wiped out some of the wheat down by Dale Butler's place. Seems awful early to be having such terrible storms. Hope this isn't a sign of a bad summer.
The junior high had a track meet Friday and the high cchool had one Saturday. Kelvin and Amy Schmidt and Cora Coffman and I traveled to Springfield Saturday to watch the track meet. Weather was great!
Dick and I went to Pueblo Thursday to do some shopping.
Friday, Susan Greenfield and Dawna Peck traveled to Pueblo to shop for graduation gifts.
Cora Coffman, Sue Kern and I went to Wallace, Kansas, Friday evening to attend the concert put on by Michael Martin Murphy. We had heard him several years ago when he performed up on Cumberland Pass. I have to admit, he had gotten older (like us) and his singing was not what it used to be. It was still an enjoyable evening, and we had cowboy peach cobbler and ice cream to enjoy before the concert started. If you ever get a chance to stop in at the Museum in Wallace, I recommend you take the opportunity. It is really a nice one.
Carol Shalberg attended the elementary track meet in Cheyenne Wells last Thursday to watch her grandson compete. The Plainview elementary also competed at the track meet.
The Towner Methodist Church hosted a Community dinner Sunday in honor of the Plainview graduates. Jared Wanderling was the guest speaker, and Lane Stum sang a song.
This Tuesday is the athletic and academic program and potluck at Plainview. Thursday, the sixth through twelfth grades will be going to Denver for their end of year trip. Next Saturday is the final track meet for high school before the State Track Meet. Sunday, May 12, is graduation. Next Tuesday, the elementary will be going to Colorado Springs to Seven Falls and a donut factory for their end of year trip. Thursday, May 16, we will have the last day of school barbeque. Hamburgers and hot dogs are furnished. Please bring salads or desserts to help out. There will be elementary awards in the morning before lunch and then games after lunch for everyone to enjoy. Busy busy!!
Have a great week!!