Kiowa County emergency manager addresses Tuesday tornado sirens
I know there will be talk and questions concerning the sirens going off in Kiowa County on the evening of August 8. I want to let you and everyone know that the National Weather Service also has the ability to set off these sirens and did so on Tuesday evening. A lot of times they see potentially dangerous clouds above what we are able to see on the ground as we are standing out in the middle of the street looking up. There had been a Tornado Warning sent out just moments before the siren went off. There was a very dangerous storm cell entering Kiowa County and, even though it may have been in the very northwest corner or edge of our county, the cell was still in Kiowa County and could pose a threat to residents.
The sirens are sounded any time there is a potential for life threatening conditions, whether that is a severe thunderstorm, winter storm, or tornado. Emergency management has the ability to set sirens off but most times NWS has a clearer picture than I do in a basement office of the county courthouse. I do understand that the alerts and warnings can become a nuisance, but they are in place for your protection and safety. Please remain cautious when sirens are blasting because apparently there is a reason. Weather can be a very dangerous thing and I do believe that putting up with those sometimes-annoying notices might possibly save your life or someone you might know.
Please understand I am one person and responsible for the entire county. As your Emergency Manager for Kiowa County, I am on call 365/24/7. I work to the best of my ability to keep our county informed for all hazardous conditions.
Thank you for your continued support and understanding, and please pay attention to these valuable alerts and warnings.
Shellie Engelhardt
Kiowa County Emergency Manager