Person on horseback galloping between to groups of cattle

The final rule for voluntary labeling of solely produced U.S. meat, poultry, and egg products is now formalized after months of consideration.

Audio file

Participants: Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack.


Finally, finalization of what the product of USA voluntary label claim means to consumers when looking at meat, poultry and egg products at their store or retailer.

We are now on record as being for the utilization of that label only only when the animal is born, raised, slaughtered and processed in the U.S.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack with the announcement Monday at the National Farmers Union Convention in Arizona.

He says the rule now finalized came about as a result of consumer input.

We asked them the question, when you see this label what do you think it means?

It means that everything was done in the United States.

Well actually that's not been the case.

Then we asked the question do you place a value on that?

So you're willing to pay a nickel or two more if that is on the label?


We want to help our farmers.

So in order for that value proposition to be respected, in order for there to be fairness and honesty and proper representation in the marketplace, it's important to have rules like this.

I'm Rod Bain reporting for the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C.