Best Ways To Get Quality Sleep While Camping

Best Ways To Get Quality Sleep While Camping

Feature Staff

Camping is a wonderful experience. You get an opportunity to connect with nature, get away from the hassles of the daily grind, and let yourself unwind. It’s no wonder that you want to make the most of your camping trip.

However, many people have trouble falling asleep while camping. The human brain protects itself by staying awake in unfamiliar areas, so, typically, some folks may feel on edge in the great outdoors. Luckily, we know some of the best ways to get quality sleep while camping that should put your mind at ease.

Finding the Right Spot

Most people sleep inside an RV or a more traditional tent on a camping trip. Many alleviate their worries by having essential belongings nearby or using a pillow from home to fall asleep to a familiar scent.

It’s more common to struggle to get some sleep inside a tent, but properly orienting yourself can help. Make sure you find a comfortable position where it’s easy to move if you need to get up in the middle of the night.

Blocking Out Distractions

While some might find the sounds of nature comforting as they drift off to sleep, others may find the chirps of crickets or the rain belting down on their tent to be a distraction. Using beneficial accessories, like a sleeping mask or earplugs, may be the best way for you to get quality sleep while camping by providing the sensory deprivation you need to power down.

Nighttime Rituals

Just because you’re camping doesn’t mean you have to change up your routine completely. You’re already in a potentially unfamiliar area, so it’s good to remind yourself that you’re still the one in control of your surroundings when trying to rest. Something as simple as remembering to brush your teeth or reading for 15 minutes before bed can put people in a relaxed state.