Flags in front of the Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. The building is surrounded by trees.

Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - February 14

Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen

The Kiowa County Commissioner’s Regular Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Richard Scott on February 14, 2017. Oswald opened the meeting with a prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Those in Attendance were:

Richard Scott, Chairman

Cindy McLoud, Commissioner

Donald Oswald, Commissioner

Delisa Weeks, County Clerk

Tina Adamson, County Administrator

Kiowa County Extension Agent, Jeremy McNeely entered the meeting at 9:25 a.m. to provide updates for the extension office. McNeely asked if the 4-H Council could use the wall space in the basement as a place to display livestock brands. Oswald moved to approve 4-HCouncil to sell brand plaques for the basement wall near the Extension Office. McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

McNeely questioned a permanent panel at the fairgrounds that is near the weigh scales. He said he would like to replace this panel with a gate and this could be done without any cost to the county and it would give them more accessibility. Oswald moved to approve the installment of a gate to replace the panel and McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

McNeely would like to find an area for a Community Garden. He said with everyone interested in fresh vegetables and fruits, he would like to find an area that the public and 4-H members could garden together and learn from each other.

McLoud moved Oswald seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to approve the vouchers as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to approve the agenda as presented with additions being approved: OLD BUSINESS: #8 Legal Publications; NEW BUSINESS: #12 CCOERA Retirement Agreement and #13 Kiowa County Operating Plan for Wildfires.

Kelly Roesch, Colorado State University Southeast Area Agronomist provided updates for the region as well as the county. Roesch will be doing wheat plot testing on the east end of the county. He will also be doing soil and fertilizing testing. Roesch gave a report on the SCALE Show held last week in Lamar and said there will be a hemp growing meeting in Lamar on February 25th at the Lamar Community Building.

Road Foremen Jack Howard, Allen Watts and Rick Spady entered the meeting at 10:15 a.m. to discuss road damage being done on county road 78 and county road 49. Linly Stum also joined the meeting giving input from his perspective. Stum suggested posting road signage with orange flags placed at the top of the sign which will cause people to be more aware of what is posted. Road Foreman Watts has asked the port of entry if they could bring the portable scales up and work county road 78. There has been considerable damage done to this county road and if the overweight trucks keep abusing this road the county will have no choice but to make it a dirt road. Further discussion and decision will follow at future commissioner meetings.

The landfill issue was discussed while the road foremen were present. After lengthy discussion Oswald moved and Scott seconded the motion to rent an explosive gas monitor for $420.00 a year. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. This will be used on both landfills. The State said they would get more accurate numbers for drilling the test wells that were more feasible for this area. Oswald said the county needed to apply for a tire collection permit also.

Commissioner Scott excused himself from the meeting for another appointment. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to recess for lunch at 11:58 p.m. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. The meeting reconvened at 1:05 p.m.

Kiowa County Fire Chief, Howard Votruba entered the meeting to discuss the position of the Assistant Fire Chief. Votruba recommended Avery Snover as the new Assistant Fire Chief. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to approve Avery Snover as the Assistant County Fire Chief. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. Votruba said that one of the goals for his position is providing debriefing for the firefighters after an event/situation. Votruba presented an operational plan for the fire department and asked the Commissioners to review it and make suggestions for changes.

Chairman, Scott entered the meeting at 1:22 p.m.

Scott moved and Oswald seconded to authorize Howard Votruba to oversee tire pricing for active firefighters. This would allow the volunteer firefighters to purchase one set of tires used for their personal vehicle that responds to fire calls via the State Bid process. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

McLoud moved and Oswald seconded to authorize the bronco to be utilized as an Incident Command Vehicle. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Eunice Weber, Director of the Kiowa County Ambulance Services entered the meeting to request approval for the 2017 ambulance licenses. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to approve the ambulance licenses for the 2017 year. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. Weber also presented information on the grant she is using for clinical care, education for the public, and training for the EMT’s.

McLoud moved and Oswald seconded to accept Christopher Stum as an Emergency Medical Driver.  All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to sign the Letter of Support for the EMS Provider Grant for the hospital. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Sheridan entered the meeting at 1:45 p.m. to discuss medical issues on one of the prisoners being held at Prowers County. This prisoner is supposed to be sentenced soon but wanted to make the Commissioners aware of the medical issues and fees for his condition.

Sheridan said he has had to put $3,000.00 in auto repairs in one of the Dodge Chargers.

Sheridan questioned the internet issues he is having with his office and said he may need to look elsewhere for services. The Model Traffic report for 2017 is at $17,645.00. These funds have been from January thru mid-February.

Oswald visited with the Sheriff about the overweight trucks traveling on County Rd. 78. Sheridan said he had spoken with the Captain of State Patrol and he said he would make the portable scales more available. Sheridan said they would be glad to go over and work the Highway and county road 78 but he could not just stop a truck because he thought they were overweight. He wanted to have the portable scales near so if he charged a truck for being overweight he would have something to back up the charges for court proceeding.

Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to sign the Kiowa County Annual Operating Plan with the Colorado Division of Fire Protection and Control for 2017. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Adamson requested clarification from the Board for Sheriff’s Office uniforms whether they were considered as part of the equipment/training guideline for the Surcharge Fund for the Sheriff’s Office. Scott moved and McLoud seconded the motion to allow uniforms as an allowable expenditure in the Sheriff’s Surcharge Fund. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Scott moved and Oswald seconded the motion to go into executive session at 2:20 p.m. for C.R.S. 24-6-402 (4) (d) Sheriff Investigations. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. Scott moved and McLoud seconded to come out of executive session at 2:40 p.m. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

The Commissioner’s Regular meeting went back into regular session at 2:41 p.m.

Old Business:

Grant Updates:  Scott suggested applying for an E-Waste trailer through the S.E.C.E.D. mini grant.

Administrator Adamson reported that the County is waiting on ESA to give a projected start date for the demolition of the Rialto Motel. Road Foreman Howard has everything ready for the asbestos removal at the landfill.

Board Vacancies: Adamson has prepared a letter of residency requirements for Jenni Weber. Since Weber no longer lives in the county, she will no longer be able to be a member of the Fair Board. McLoud moved and Oswald seconded the motion to have Adamson forward this letter onto Ms. Weber. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Scott moved and Oswald seconded a motion to restructure the Planning and Zoning commission to two members from each BOCC district plus one member at large. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. Oswald moved and Scott seconded a motion to appoint Gerald Deines as a Planning and Zoning member from District 1. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. The current Planning and Zoning membership is Randy Carney and Gerald Deines from District 1; Jimmy Brown and Jerimiah Liebl from District 2; Michelle Wyckoff from District 3, Keegan Donovan, Member at Large; leaving one vacancy in District 3.

Karl Zimmerman, Janet Frederick, and Alexa Roberts with NPS entered the meeting at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the Murdock Project and the DOLA Grant. There are concerns as to when NPS will be able to get their work done as they are hoping to have it done by 2019.  Roberts and Frederick will find out when the $400,00.00 from the National Park Service will be available for the HVAC, restrooms and elevator for the NPS visitor center portion of the building. The County will ask DOLA for a two year extension in August.

Tri-State Transmission is applying for conditional use permits. Their plan is to put in transmissions lines in the eastern part of Kiowa County. Innovative Solar is requesting zoning determination letters for two solar farms in Kiowa County.

LAKES: Scott would like to contact the different entities involved with the lakes and see if there is some way to get more water into these lakes. Danny Richards will be attending the upcoming meeting to provide more information on the water issues and the lakes.

Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to ratify the Publication of Legal Notices for Kiowa County will now be advertised in the Kiowa County Independent. This original motion was made in the Re-organizational meeting on January 10, 2017. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Meetings and Reports were reviewed and signed. The KCEDF, SECED meeting and Fire District meetings will be February 21, 2017.


NACO Membership: McLoud moved and Scott seconded to pay the membership to the National Association of Counties. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

COUNTY BURN PERMITS: Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to have Kiowa County to remain as the burn permitting authority for Kiowa County. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to have Administrator Adamson issue annual permits to county residents. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. Oswald moved to charge a $5.00 fee for each burn permit and Scott seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

McLoud moved and Oswald seconded the motion to appoint Jeff Scranton as the County Safety Officer. He will keep track of all safety meetings and safety issues for the road and bridge and landfill employees. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

Land Management: Adamson had received an e-mail from Tiger Tree Land Management requesting the use of their services. Oswald moved to thank them for this request but did not think Kiowa County was going to be requesting bids at this time. McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative

HUTF Report: McLoud moved and Oswald seconded the motion to sign the C-DOT mileage report. All Commissioners voted affirmative.

HCC and HPP regional funding: McLoud had spoken with Dennis Pearson in regards to this funding. It was decided the BOCC would wait till after the Health Coalition meeting on February 21, 2017 to discuss further.

CCOERA Retirement Agreement review: Fringe benefits, expense benefits and welfare benefits were some of the line items being reviewed in this Agreement. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to sign the 401 A Participation Agreement. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.

The next regular commissioner’s meeting will be February 28, 2017 at 9:00a.m.

Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.