PROMO Government - Medical Weisbrod Memorial Hospital Eads Colorado - Chris Sorensen

Kiowa County Hospital District meeting minutes – December 8, 20221

Weisbrod Memorial Hospital in Eads, Colorado. © / Chris Sorensen


BOARD MEETING-December 8, 2021

The Kiowa County Hospital District and County Board met in special session on December 8, 2021, at 6:32 pm at the Cobblestone Inn Meeting Room.

District Board members present were: Craig Kerfoot, Mary Eikner, Claire Prince, and Ken Flory.

Absent - Kevin Davis.

County Board members present were: Karl Eikenberg. Absent - Pam Cole.

Others present: Angela Linden, Shannon Dixon, Matt Prince, Ginger McPherson, and Beth Spady.


The meeting was called to order by Craig Kerfoot, Chairman of the Board at 6:32 pm.


Karl Eikenberg.


Meghan Buck provided a letter resigning from the Board effective immediately. Ken Flory made a motion to accept the resignation. Motion seconded by Karl Eikenberg. All aye.

Ken Flory made a motion for Claire Prince to be appointed to the District Board. Mary Eikner seconded the motion. All aye.


The Board discussed forming committees for finance, governance, and quality. Motion made by Mary Eikner to form a finance committee. Seconded by Ken Flory. All aye.

Mary Eikner made a motion for Ken Flory and Pam Cole to serve on the finance committee. Motion seconded by Claire Prince. All aye.

Ken Flory made a motion to form a governance committee. This motion was seconded by Claire Prince. All aye.

Motion made by Ken Flory for Mary Eikner and Claire Prince to serve on the governance committee. Motion seconded by Karl Eikenberg. All aye.

A motion was made by Ken Flory to create a quality committee. Karl Eikenberg seconded the Ken Flory made a motion for Karl Eikenberg and another board member to be named later to serve on the quality committee. Mary Eikner seconded the motion. All aye.


A motion was made by Ken Flory to go into executive session for purposes of negotiations pursuant to and as permitted by CRS 24-6-402( 4)e. Karl Eikenberg seconded the motion. All aye.

Executive session convened at 6:54 pm and was returned to regular session at 8:08 pm.

Following executive session, a motion was made by Ken Flory and seconded by Mary Eikner to approve the CEO severance agreement amendments as discussed. All aye.

Ken Flory made a motion to approve the employment amendments for new PA as discussed. Motion seconded by Karl Eikenberg. All aye.

Motion made by Ken Flory to rescind current agreement with Pathways, seconded by Karl Eikenberg. All aye.

Ken Flory made a motion to appoint Kevin Davis as the Vice Chair of the Board. Motion seconded by Mary Eikner. All aye.

Ken Flory made a motion for Craig Kerfoot to also serve on the quality committee. Motion seconded by Karl Eikenberg. All aye.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kiowa County Hospital District Board

Mary Eikner, Secretary-Treasurer