New state boards and commissions appointments announced
State Board of Accountancy
The Board regulates public accountants and reviews applications, gives examinations, grants certificates and permits, and acts on complaints against certified public accountants.
for a term expiring January 31, 2023:
- Gina Suzanne Owens-Ott of Grand Junction, Colorado, serving as a certified public accountant, occasioned by the resignation of Christine Zurilgen Joyeux Noel of Lakewood, Colorado, appointed.
Charter School Institute Board
The mission of the Institute Board shall be to foster high-quality public school choices offered through institute charter schools, including particularly schools for at-risk students.
for a term expiring July 1, 2023:
- Maribel Obreque of Glenwood Springs, Colorado, serving as a representative of a board or public service experience, appointed.
Disability Funding Committee
The Colorado Disability Funding Committee accepts and reviews proposals and funds projects or programs that study or pilot new and innovative ideas that will lead to an improved quality of life or increased independence for persons with disabilities. The Committee accepts proposals from nonprofit entities to aid persons with disabilities in accessing disability benefits.
for terms expiring August 12, 2021:
- Susan Spriggs of Broomfield, Colorado, to serve as a person with experience in or knowledge of business and business management, appointed;
- Elliott Hood of Boulder, Colorado, to serve as someone in the practice of law with experience working with persons with disabilities, and as a person who lives in a household with a person with a disability, and as a person who is meaningfully involved in the care of a person with a disability, reappointed;
- Lloyd Lewis of Englewood, Colorado, to serve as an individual who lives in a household with a person with a disability and as a person who is meaningfully involved in the care of a person with a disability, and as a person with experience in or knowledge of business and business management, and as a person with experience in or knowledge of nonprofit entities and managing nonprofit entities, appointed;
- JoyAnn Keener Ruscha of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a person with a disability, and as a person who lives in a household with a person with a disability, and as a person who is meaningfully involved in the care of a person with a disability, appointed;
for terms expiring August 12, 2022:
- Thomas Ward Bost, MD, of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a person in the practice of medicine, appointed;
- Chanda Hinton of Lakewood, Colorado to serve as a person with a disability, and as a person with experience in or knowledge of nonprofit entities and managing nonprofit entities, appointed;
- Andrew Ouellette of Denver, Colorado to serve as a person with a disability, appointed;
- Craig Simon of Denver, Colorado to serve as a person with a disability, and as a person with experience in or knowledge of nonprofit entities and managing nonprofit entities, appointed;
for terms expiring August 12, 2023:
- Kenneth Maestas of Lamar, Colorado, to serve as a person with a disability, appointed;
- Brenda Mosby of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a person with a disability, and as a person with experience in or knowledge of business and business management, appointed;
- Hanni Raley of Westminster, Colorado, to serve as a person with experience in or knowledge of nonprofit entities and managing nonprofit entities, appointed;
- Alvina Vasquez of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to serve as a person with experience in or knowledge of business and business management, appointed;
- Justine Ager of Steamboat Springs, Colorado, to serve as a person with a disability.
Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College
The Board of Trustees for Fort Lewis College makes policy for the school and oversees its operation.
effective September 1, 2020 for a term expiring January 1, 2023:
- Christopher Adam Red of Ignacio, Colorado, a Republican, appointed;
effective September 1, 2020 for a term expiring January 1, 2025:
- Mary Rubadeau of Durango, Colorado, a Democrat, appointed.
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Council
The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Advisory Council advises the Division of Criminal Justice and the Governor on matters pertaining to juvenile justice in Colorado. They also assist, review and approve the annual Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Plan.
for terms expiring July 31, 2024:
- William Calvin Hays of Grand Junction, Colorado, to serve as a representative of profit/non-profit organizations, and as Chair, reappointed;
- Karen Dee Wilde of Eads, Colorado, to serve as a representative of the Tribal/Four Corners area, reappointed;
- Crystal Murillo of Aurora, Colorado, to serve as a youth member, reappointed;
- Melinda Kay Beckler of Lakewood, Colorado, to serve as a youth member, reappointed;
- Kira Jukes of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a non-government member, appointed;
- Brian Bumbarger of Como, Colorado, to serve as a representative of prevention agencies, appointed;
- Kyle Ragland, Greeley, Colorado, to serve as a representative for child welfare within the Department of Human Services, appointed;
- Thomas Harbaugh, Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of probation agencies, appointed;
- Kelli Reidford, Denver, Colorado, to serve as a representative of public agencies focused on substance abuse, appointed;
- Charles Gilford III of Aurora, Colorado, to serve as a representative of education, appointed.
Medical Services Board
The Medical Services Board adopts the rules and regulations that govern the operation of the Colorado Medicaid Program and Colorado Indigent Care Program. The Regulations adopted by the board will direct the efforts of the State in defining eligibility and the benefits for these programs, the rights and obligations of clients receiving benefits, and the payment of vendors providing health care services. The Board will also provide advice and consultation to the State Board of Human Services in connection with the administration of the Old Age Pension Health and Medical Fund.
for terms expiring July 1, 2024:
- An Thi H. Nguyen of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a resident of the First Congressional District, a Democrat, with knowledge of medical assistance programs, appointed;
- Christina Mulkey, DNP, AGNP-C of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a resident of the 7th Congressional District, a Republican, with knowledge of medical assistance programs, appointed;
- Vincent Scott of Severance, Colorado, to serve as a resident of the Fourth Congressional District, an Unaffiliated, and as a family member of a person with a disability, appointed;
- Morgan Honea, MHA of Centennial, Colorado, to serve as a resident of the Sixth Congressional District, an Unaffiliated, with experience in caring for medically underserved children, appointed.
Board of Mortgage Loan Originators
The Board of Mortgage Loan Originators will be responsible for licensing mortgage loan originators and registering mortgage companies. The Board also has the authority to promulgate rules, enforce the license law, investigate complaints and impose discipline against its licensees.
for terms expiring August 10, 2024:
- Cynthia Emerine of Evergreen, Colorado, a licensed mortgage loan originator, reappointed;
- Dena Marie Falbo of Westminster, Colorado, to serve as a member of the public at large, reappointed;
- Jennifer Heinrich of Erie, Colorado, a licensed mortgage loan originator, appointed.
School Safety Resource Center Advisory Board
Created through SB08-001, the purpose of the Board is to advise and then recommend policies concerning the newly created School Safety Resource Center. The Center was created “to assist schools in preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from emergencies and crisis situations and to foster positive learning environments.
for terms expiring August 15, 2022:
- Lorrie Furman Odom, MD of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, a member of a parents’ organization, reappointed;
- Honorable Michael Thomas Dougherty of Boulder, Colorado, a district attorney, appointed.
Second Judicial District Nominating Commission
There is a judicial district nominating commission for each of Colorado’s 22 judicial districts that selects nominees for district and county judicial vacancies. Each district nominating commission is chaired by a justice of the Supreme Court, who is a non-voting member of the commission.
for a term expiring December 31, 2025:
- Maria Garcia Berry of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a non-attorney, as an unaffiliated, and as a member from Denver County, occasioned by the resignation of Brynja Renee Seagren of Denver, Colorado, appointed.
Stroke Advisory Board
The Stroke Advisory Board evaluates potential strategies for stroke prevention and treatment, and develops statewide needs assessments identifying relevant resources to improve the quality of care for stroke patients. Each January 1, the Board submits a report specifying its findings and recommendations to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and the corresponding committees in the State House and State Senate.
for terms expiring August 1, 2023:
- Kayla Garriott, MOT of Lone Tree, Colorado, to serve as a physical or occupational therapist actively involved in stroke care, reappointed;
- Benjamin Atchie, D.O. of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a physician who is actively involved in stroke care and who is privileged and actively practicing and actively practicing as a interventional neuroradiologist, reappointed;
- Diane Rossi MacKay, MSN, RN, CPHQ of Evergreen, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a statewide hospital association, reappointed;
- Carolyn Condreay, PT, DPT of Parker, Colorado, to serve as a representative from a stroke rehabilitation facility, appointed;
- John P. Savage II of Aurora, Colorado, to serve as a member of the public who has suffered a stroke or is the caregiver of a person who has suffered a stroke, appointed;
- Sharon Poisson, MD, MAS of Denver, Colorado, to serve as a Colorado resident representing a national stroke association, appointed;
- Heather Morris of Stratton, Colorado, to serve as an administrator from a hospital located in a rural area, appointed;
- Brian Kaiser, D.O. of Fort Collins, Colorado, to serve as a representative of a statewide association of physicians, appointed;
- Vijay Subbarao, MD, FACC of Cherry Hills Village, Colorado, to serve as a Colorado resident representing a national association whose goal is to eliminate cardiovascular disease and strokes, appointed;
- David Case, MD of Greenwood Village, Colorado, to serve as a physician who is actively involved in stroke care and who is privileged and who is board-certified in neurosurgery, appointed;
- Danielle Hagedorn, BSN of Longmont, Colorado, to serve as an expert in stroke database management, appointed.
Twenty-Second Judicial District Nominating Commission
There is a judicial district nominating commission for each of Colorado’s 22 judicial districts that selects nominees for district and county judicial vacancies. Each district nominating commission is chaired by a justice of the Supreme Court, who is a non-voting member of the commission.
for terms expiring December 31, 2025:
- Darwin Louis Whiteman Jr. of Towaoc, Colorado, to serve as a non-attorney, as a Democrat, and as a member from Montezuma County, appointed;
- Tazewell Scott Vass of Cortez, Colorado, to serve as a non-attorney, as an Unaffiliated, and as a member from Montezuma County, and occasioned by the removal of Larry Don Suckla of Dolores, Colorado, appointed.
- Peter James Ortego of Lewis, Colorado, to serve as an attorney, and as a Democrat from Montezuma County, and occasioned by the resignation of Sharon Ann Lyons Hansen of Cortez, Colorado, appointed.
Uninsured Employer Board
The Board shall establish standards and criteria for payment of benefits from the fund; set minimum and maximum benefit rates; adjust claims subject to the approval of the director; disseminate information regarding the fund; adopt rules as necessary to carry out the purposes of the fund to ensure the financial stability of the fund; investigate claims brought for benefits and to adjust, compromise, settle and pay covered claims to the extent permitted by statute and rule; to deny payment of benefits from the fund of all other claims and to review settlements, releases, and final orders to which the uninsured employer and injured worker were parties; and to determine the extent to which such settlements, releases, and orders may affect eligibility for benefits.
for terms expiring September 1, 2023:
- Shelley Phelps Dodge, JD of Fort Lupton, Colorado, to serve as an attorney who represents injured workers, reappointed;
- Amy Newton of Westminster, Colorado, to serve as a representative of insurers, reappointed