
Top articles from the Kiowa County Press – week ending April 17, 2021
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- Birthdays and Anniversaries - April 19-25, 2021
- Prince Philip's funeral hearse is a modified Land Rover Defender – symbolic of a pioneering, practical Britain
- Curious Kids: How many states and provinces are in the world?
- Cooking at Home - Savory Bread Pudding with Kale and Butternut Squash
- How many Tyrannosaurus rex walked the Earth?
- Colorado company recalls 2.5 tons of imported beef over E. coli concerns
- You're not imagining it – 3 ways COVID-19 has been extra hard on American parents
- Interior secretary revokes Trump administration’s orders prioritizing energy development
- Colorado's unemployment rate stays flat for March
- Scientists are on a path to sequencing 1 million human genomes and use big data to unlock genetic secrets
- Warner, Kaine introduce red-flag, other federal gun control changes to mirror Virginia law
- America goes back to school – 5 essential reads on parenting in the pandemic
- New Mexico 17th state to legalize cannabis
- More than 140 fully vaccinated people in Houston have tested positive for COVID-19
- Kiowa County Commissioners meeting minutes – March 25, 2021
- 6 ways recent college graduates can enhance their online job search
- Colorado House approves state budget
- Lamar Community College scholarship opportunities
- Wyoming approves Voter ID bill
- Oklahoma tribal activity is ninth-largest industry in state
- Colorado ranks 9th highest for federal unemployment insurance loans, analysis says
- Make Your Own Fishing Gear: Projects to Try
- Photo of the Week - April 16, 2021
- Plainview school breakfast and lunch menus – April 19-22, 2021
- Eads school breakfast and lunch menus - April 19-22, 2021
- Kiowa County Tax Notice
- Dear Dietitian – What are the risks and benefits of drinking raw milk?
- How a radical interpretation of the Great Depression became the orthodoxy behind solving the COVID economic crisis
- Community - Piano Recital
- Drought continues to plague Colorado raising concerns about ag water supplies
- Biden pledges to remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan by September 11
- Bill introduced to remove Major League Baseball’s antitrust exemption
- Pecan grower: New Mexico drought is 'manageable' for farmers
- Why Wall Street investors' trading California water futures is nothing to fear – and unlikely to work anyway
- Nearly 60 million Americans don't drink their tap water, research suggests – here's why that's a public health problem
- 143,518 US public library workers are keeping their communities informed, connected and engaged – but their jobs may be at risk
- Crowley County Sheriff Kurtz dies Wednesday
- Community - Card Shower
- Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Announces special program
- Lamar Community College tuition will remain flat for 2021-22
- Cooking at Home - Green Bean Casserole
- Ways to make your morning commute more eco-friendly
- Common Risks To Your Vehicle When You’re Off-Roading
- Gas, other consumer prices spike in first quarter of 2021
- Johnson & Johnson vaccine suspension – what this means for you
- Plants thrive in a complex world by communicating, sharing resources and transforming their environments
- Trump, defying custom, hasn't given the National Archives records of his speeches at political rallies
- Long live the monarchy! British royals tend to survive a full three decades longer than their subjects
- The EU wants a carbon tax on imports – but would it be the climate solution officials expect?
- Kiowa County weather recap - April 13, 2021
- Senator Cleave Simpson: Updates from the General Assembly
- Town of Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes – March 9, 2021
- Colorado families with school-aged students to again receive Pandemic-EBT food benefits
- Low flows to affect fishing in Dolores River tail-water
- Eads school calendar – April 15-June 26, 2021
- Legislation would make Camp Amache a National Historic Site
- Kiowa County Commissioners meeting agenda – April 15, 2021
- Kiowa County Public Health COVID-19 Weekly Update - April 14, 2021
- EarthTalk – What is climate feminism?
- Ag stats: Colorado crop progress and condition report – week ending April 11, 2021
- Summer and fall registration open at Lamar Community College
- How the Supreme Court found its faith and put 'religious liberty' on a winning streak
- One change that could help nursing homes recover from COVID-19 fears and become safer places for aging parents
- New Colorado boards and commissions appointments announced
- Granada seeks input on park design
- Eads High School Track and Field Schedule – May 7-June26, 2021
- Eads Junior High Track and Field Schedule – April 7-May 12, 2021
- Vega State Park boat ramp changes announced
- Reports of blood clots from Johnson & Johnson vaccine prompt feds to suspend its use
- Latest parts of Colorado stimulus plan introduced
- About Town – April 12, 2021
- Letter to the Editor - Choices
- Wiley Booster Club events – April 12-16
- Movie Review - The Unholy
- Spring is here -- along with the harshest allergy season yet
- How to Combat Social Isolation
- Write ill of the dead? Obits rarely cross that taboo as they look for the positive in people's lives
- South African case study sheds light on how vaccine manufacturing can be developed
- Why 4-H: Spotlight on Theresa Rink
- Kiowa County Annual Salary List - Fiscal Year 2020
- Colorado wildfire experts expect another year of intense blazes
- Colorado marijuana sales reached $167 million in February
- Movies - Lamar Theatre - 2021-04-16
- CPW launches digital fishing license for residents
- Bomb threat in Eads Sunday night – prank call suspected
- Mack Mesa Reservoir being drained to remove northern pike
- USDA Update – April 12, 2021
- Education - Early Childhood Professional Development Scholarship
- Home Country – Flinging names
- Pages from the Past - From our 134-year Archives for April 11, 2021
- Pastor’s Pearls – April 11, 2021
- Top articles from the Kiowa County Press for the week ending April 10, 2021
- Colorado statewide fishing report and conditions – April 10, 2021
- What is mRNA? The messenger molecule that's been in every living cell for billions of years is the key ingredient in some COVID-19 vaccines
- The US is worried about its critical minerals supply chains – essential for electric vehicles, wind power and the nation's defense
- Kiowa County invites residents and businesses to share ideas
- Governor Polis makes appointment to the Douglas County Court
- Lake Pueblo produces record walleye spawn
- Lamar Community College employees return to campus following a positive designation from state
- LCC student named Coca-Cola Academic Team Scholar
- Lake Pueblo produces record walleye spawn
- Lamar Community College employees return to campus following a positive designation from state
- LCC student named Coca-Cola Academic Team Scholar
- U.S. Supreme Court overturns California's restrictions on in-home religious activities
- Cheyenne County Sheriff Bi-Weekly Report March 22-April 3, 2021
- Plainview school breakfast and lunch menus – April 12-15, 2021
- Eads school breakfast and lunch menus - April 12-15, 2021
- Photo of the Week - April 9, 2021
- Kansas senator proposes legislation to limit placement of wind turbines
- Prince Philip dies: old-school European aristocrat and dedicated royal consort
- Anxious about going out into the world? You're not alone, but there's help
- How worried should you be about coronavirus variants?
- Why you should expect more Suez-like supply chain disruptions and shortages at your local grocery store
- Corporation tax: why Janet Yellen's call for a global minimum rate is a bad move
- Beverly Cleary refused to teach kids how to be good -- and generations of young readers fell in love with her rebel Ramona
- Mark Hillman’s Capitol Review: How I came to respect centrists
- Extreme and exceptional drought remain in Colorado
- Education - Livestock Show Animal Selection Workshop
- Agriculture - 2021 Colorado Wheat Field Days
- Movie Review - Godzilla vs. Kong
- Report: More states reopening with fewer restrictions
- Kansas legislature okays alcoholic drinks to go
- 4-H and FFA livestock show animal selection workshop set
- Seeking Kiowa County Veterans